Marketing & Communications
The Tenement Museum: A Journey Back in Time
Have you ever thought about time travel? Wanted to see what life was like in New York during prohibition, the Gilded Age, or the Great Depression? The Tenement Museum makes the journey back in time possible and is only a subway ride away to the Lower East Side.
Many people think of tenements as the less-than-desirable living quarters that working-class families lived in during the Industrial Revolution, often evoking images of squalid and crowded living conditions with poor ventilation and sanitation. In actuality, a tenement is simply an apartment. The term “tenement” went out of style when the French term “apartment” came into fashion. The Tenement Museum, located on Orchard Street in the Lower East Side, shares a glimpse of how people of the past lived in this incredible city. Its occupancy reflects the changing patterns of immigration and commerce in New York City... READ MORE